consisting of a couple of misfits - namely NEMO and LHARI - nobodiestudios is a wannabe indie game studio
designed to create nostalgic video games for your very own playing pleasure

ooops! seems you have reached a dead-end... for now~ we're currently working on this section of the site,
watch out for the announcements in our socials if you wish to be notified when it'll be finished!


Q: What's up with the whole studio lore thing you guys got goin' on?
A: Noticing how many people in the indie game community wish to be storytellers, we decided to try and create a setting with its own main storyline, to which people can add their own bits and pieces and hone their writing skills.
Q: What are you guys?
A: Both Nemo and Lhari are tulpas, a type of cryptid that originates from human thoughts. Each of them represents either an idea, emotion, or principle.
Q: About the masks...
L: Yeah, so, I've been called a scared rabbit all my life, so yeah, I wanted to regain agency over the term... Plus, I like to fuck.
N: A group of crows is called a murder which I greatly appreciate, also I love crows c:
Q: Is Nemo abstemious?
N: I tried not to be but I go down with one glass and hate the taste of alcohol. I do drink a lot of juice though.
Q: What's in Lhari's briefcase?
L: Now wouldn't you like to know... A pity nobody survived to tell that story.
Q: What does O.P. stand for?
L: Overpowered, which Nemo is.
N: It also stands for Other Place, which is the place where I live.
Q: Why the Moon?
L: I ask myself every day.
Q: Why the brackets over the "gifts"?
L: Keep asking questions and you'll soon find out.


how peculiar! the page is up but there is no cart... that's because our shop is over on red bubble!... here's the link if you feel like buying something, or even just taking a look!

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